Tuesday, 11 June 2013

my Colombo trip last saturday - vår til Colombo

Last Saturday I had a trip to Colombo with Jon and Dillon.
Despite the rainy weather the train wasn't wet jump onboard the 730 train from Negombo to Colombo. 
Now I haven't taken a train in years here in Sri Lanka so I looked forward to this and to my surprise the ride was very comfortable for being 2 class. I couldn't see any 1 class but you see the seats, in the past they were much worse. Today we had planned bowling, cinema and coffee shop and food.
At the railway station to Fort in Colombo we went to the bowling hall were Dillon tried out some new techniques on how to throw a ball, with mix results I may add. 
It doesn't matter who won though I did lead at one point i didn't win. 

Dillon tried to throw the ball from between his legs and did succeed too. Lucky I guess!

I had heard about this dragon fruit and never tasted it, Jon kept on telling how good it is. Well, I tried it out and I got hooked on it. I understand now why he loves it and why he bought a big bag of them too. First thing I did after loosing and had my chance was to by 1 big bag too.
After we had bowled we jumped into a new tuk-tuk. This time we found one with meter on it and all 3 of us managed to squeeze into it.
Majestic city next and to watch the Star Trek.

Its a boy movie and full of explosions senseless violence but its entertainment. 
No trip to Colombo without a food stop and McDonald did give us good food.

And then we took the train back home. On our way home I saw these old coaches and locomotives, rusting and some even overgrown by bushes and more green items. Sad but interesting to watch.
Though it rained all day in Colombo we had a very nice day in Colombo. So now we must plan a new trip to some other city/part of Sri Lanka.


Forgie lørdag dro jeg sammen med Jon og Dillon til Colombo.
Det ble en fin tur. Det startet klokken 0730 fra perong 1 på Negombo tog stasjon og 1.5 time senere var vi fremme i Colombo. 
Denne lørdags turen til Colombo var en ren guttetur.
Vi skulle her spille bowling, se film, litt snack food og tog m.m. Og det startet med at vi tøffet inn på stasjonen i Fort/Colombo rundt 9 og hoppet da inn i en tuk-tuk til bowling hallen som vi måtte vente på. Da er det godt med en kaffe shappe som faktisk laget god cappuchino.
Da tiden var inne gikk vi tilbake til bowling hallen og vi spilte og på et tidspunkt ledet jeg, men det varte da ikke lenge. Jeg hadde en tenden til å kaste ballen i feil grøvt og ikke etter sjeglene som er halve poenget.

Da vi hadde gjort unna bowlingen ble det tur til Majestic City og kinoen. Der fikk vi sett den nye star trek som , grei nok. Gutte film
McDonald var god mat fr vi satte nesen mot Fort tog stasjonen. Vi klarte å pådra os en drosjesjafrs vrede ved at vi sa vi ville ha meter taxi go ikke uten meter siden de med takstameter er mye billigere og du blir ikke så lurt som ed de andre. 
På veg ut av Colombo kjører toget forbi gamle tog, dvs lokomotiv typer og de er rustne og står bare der. Kan anbefale om du er litt dilla på det som jeg så fikk jeg tatt noen bilder. Flere er overgrodd med ugress og andre grlnne ting.

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From: "Svend T.U. Svendsen" <svendsvendsen@hotmail.com>
Subject: Pictures from Colombo
Date: June 10, 2013 12:18:50 AM GMT+05:30
To: "Mr. Svend T.U. Trygve Ulvestad Svendsen" <svendsvendsen@newlife.lk>, "Mr. Svend T.U. Trygve Ulvestad Svendsen" <svendsvendsen@hotmail.com>

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Svend Svendsen
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