What a day.
Finally the sun broke through. Yes, but it didnt happened in Volda first. We had to go to Ålesund. So we left 11 in the morning and off we went to Ålesund.
Hoping that, yes Ålesund would provide better weather. And so it did!
By 12.30 we had come to the CITY, Ålesund.
The sun was shinging and the old jugend style town was beautiful in its best.
Roshini loved it.
For mum and I it was a mix emotion. We both have lived in lesund and love it. Ålesund it just Ålesund.
Ok, on a rainy day its less fun to be there.
So we drove through it and enjoyed the view.
To the aqaurium we went and looked at the fishes. As well as the penguins.
A man in tux or another big penguin came almost out in the same style as the penguins. He served the penguins food.
A wonderful place which I will recommend anybody who comes to this city.After that it was Fjellstuva. My dad drove me, Nethmi and Sithma and dropped us at "parken" close by Liahaugata.10. Prior to we should walk up all those steps mum said there were 700 steps and dad 400. Both of them were wrong. 418 steps on a sign. We walked up to Fjellstuva were mum, dad, Roshini and Elizabeth stood waiting.
From there we went to Emblem and Røssevollen and our cabin.
For me this cabin means a lot.
The sun was shining and we truly enjoyed this.
By 9.30 p.m we left for Volda and Helgatun.
There are many people who read this, I must explain for you something. At this time of the year. The sun sets as late as 10.30 p.m at night. No you are not reading wrong so when we came back to Volda 11 or so the kids should go to the bed and that was not a easy task when you tell its bed time. But its not dark outside they have usually replied now while we have been in Norway.
No point of discussion because when we say bed time, its bed time with 3 extra bed time songs, 2 prayers and some other good stories. Bible or other stories.
I suppose its time for bed time.
Good night!