Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Update on fire - oppdatering på brannen
Its tuesday and we have seen the damages yesterday. It's tragic to look at.
The day before the fire, Thursday, we went to Nea Moni and Anavasto.
Day after that area is engulfed in forest fire.
From were we live we could see the fire very clearly in the night on the hill side.
The fire department is doing their best.
On these photos you see the helicopter fly by. In distant you see the smoke rising from the fire.
God morgen folkens!
Det er dag 2 av brannen i Chios. Der vi var på Torsdag, Nea moni og Anavastos brenner det ganske livlig nå. Mye pen skog er gått opp i røyk dessverre.
I 1822 under frihetskrigen ble Chios utsatt for en grusom hevn av det ottomanske rike.
En av tragediene er Anavastos, hvor en del kvinner og barn ble i sin fortvilelse hoppet utfor klippen og døde isteden for å bli tatt levendes for å så bli solgt som slaver, eller annet brutalt.
We went to the ghost town of Anavatos.
In 1822 during the Greek Independence war 1821-22 many women and and children got trapped in this city Anavatos. So instead of suffering the horrible faith of being caught by the Turks they jumped out off the cliff in suicide.
Homers stone and Agias Minas and something dropping
On that stone Homer was teaching his students.
He was apparantely blind when he was teaching and did the teaching free.
They gave him food.
Here you see the chair.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
instant prayer request
Friday, 17 August 2012
Vår lille kjøretur - our little drive
Hver dag tar vi oss turer enten ved å gå eller kjører rundt på øya Chios.
Idag kjørte vi forbi gamle falleferdige hus, utsikter og varde som de genoanske perioden bygde om jeg har lest rett.
Kos dere med bildene.
Every day we walk or drive around on the isle of Chios.
Today we passed some old shabby houses, beautiful views and more.
Enjoy the photos.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
The Mesta visit
Friday, 10 August 2012
Check out this verse - Gods Word is For You to Believe
"So they both ran together, and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first. and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself. but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."
The last sentence is so powerful and this is the reason why I want to be part of the great commission, spreading Gods Word.
Are written that YOU may believe that Jesus is The Christ, The son of God.
And that you will come to the faith by reading gospels.
these days we are doing Kachin for a people group. I read my Bible of my ipad and mobile more and more. They may not have these luxury options, but the written Word still got power.
gods Word is changing and powerful, and like John the apostle wrote, so we can come to that state when we put our faith in Jesus.
See it at YouVersion.com:
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Enterteinment- underholdning
Og hadde en ikke hatt underholdning på flya tror jeg mange barn ville ha hatt lange turer.
Barna har kost seg på flytypen til Doha og til Athen.
We have started our trip to Chios and Greece.
First leg is behind us and the second is underway.
I love that these good airplanes got entertainment, like movies and toys for the children. It makes the journey not soooooo long.
Svend daddy get to listen to jazz and classic music. I don't want to hear: "yawn how boring."
And down it goes - Ned med det Sa han
We are in the middle of building a new one. In the really old days that was the typesetting at New Life. But after the rebuilding of office and moving it all up in 2006 that area has been empty.
Now we are getting close to knocking down these stairs from the office side. This so we can use the entire area and make a new entrance to the new bathroom,.
This is part of bigger plans, we hope to have not only the bathrooms but other projects for developing for NLL.
Ed visse høve har jeg fortalt om at vi bygger et nytt bad for våre arbeidere.
Det har kommet langt, og nå har vi kommet til det stadie der vi skal slå ned trappa som går ned fra kontor delen.
Grunn til det er nytte plassen der trappa går ned.
Der vi lager nytt bad var det før typesettingen for mange år siden. Inntil 2006 da vi bygde ny kontor fløy og typesettingen ble slått sammen med layout til prepress og tatt opp.
Det skal bli spennendes å se når alt står klart.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Current jobs at New Life Literature, Sri Lanka
> these days we are printing and sending out many different languages to all over Asia.
That alone is so interesting so I must share the good news with you.
As you know
Chinese: target is 100,000 Chinese Bibles to reach mainland China just now. But we want more.
34,000 is sent, another 34,000 is packed and the balance is getting the last touch on now. I don't know when we will ship that but China is getting Gods Word. It's said 1 Bible in China saves more than 3 souls. If that is true or even under-estimating we are looking at an impact of 300,000 souls easily.
THis really get me on fire, over 30,000 Sinhala and 30,000 Tamil. God bless our Sri Lanka.
Arabic NT
We are ready to send out another 20 foot container to the middle east, 30,000 and another 34,000 Arabic NT are being printed these days. Obama talked about some change,this is THE Real Life Changer.
Gospel of Mark - India
A few years ago we did 630,000 copies.
Just shipped to India 160,000 copies and they arrived last week. We are planning to print all 11 languages as last time.
The following languages you see on the picture are from left to right (yellow booklets):
Kachin Zipper :
Kachin Bible customer presented us with something unique. They wanted a cover with zipper around the Bible.
This we have never done before. And frankly this presented us with a challenge. But it has gone well.
3600 is ready to go this month. And since the result is so nice we can now do more high end quality Bibles.
It's the brown cover You see on the right hand side of the picture.
the great commission was given to the disciples in Matthew 28, if they had said, yeahJesus is gone lets go home. It would have stopped there. But they had as John said: seen the glory of God, touch ahem and experienced Him.
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son. (John 1:14 NLT)
We may not have seen Jesus Christ with our physical eyes but have your spiritual eyes seen Him?
I have and I have been touched by His Word and 2000 years later I can be a small part in the great commission, the mission.
Too long you may have been sitting on your duff telling yourself those preachers or others can do it. But if YOU have been saved CHRIST IS iN YOU. So go, and be a partaker in this wonderful race.
As it says in the revelation:
After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" (Revelation 7:9, 10 NKJV)
What a day that shall be. When we all gather and all nations and languages shall be there.
Come and be a coworker in His kingdom, be a supporter through prayer and financial.
Bibelord Kol 3,12-17
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Dagens bibelord
Kol 3,12-17
12 Dere er Guds utvalgte, helliget og elsket av ham. Kle dere derfor i inderlig medfølelse og vær gode, milde, ydmyke og tålmodige, 13 så dere bærer over med hverandre og tilgir hverandre hvis den ene har noe å bebreide den andre. Som Herren har tilgitt dere, skal dere tilgi hverandre. 14 Og over alt dette: Kle dere i kjærlighet, som er båndet som binder sammen og gjør fullkommen. 15 La Kristi fred råde i hjertet, for til det ble dere kalt da dere ble én kropp. Og vær takknemlige! 16 La Kristi ord få rikelig rom hos dere! Undervis og rettled hverandre med all visdom, syng salmer, viser og åndelige sanger til Gud av et takknemlig hjerte. 17 Og la alt dere sier og gjør, skje i Herren Jesu navn, med takk til Gud, vår Far, ved ham.
Dette er en gratis tjeneste fra Det Norske Bibelselskap. Oversettelse: 2011 for nynorsk og bokmål. Du kan når som helst melde deg av ved å klikke på stans abonnement