Sunday, 17 July 2011

78000 Arabic NTs to Arabia

Saturday 2 July was a very special day for us at New Life Literature. That day we shipped out 78,000 Arabic New Testaments to Arabia.
Early in January, 2011 it started with news from the Arab world. The Arab world was set in motion and changes

nted by the opressed people. They chanted, freedom. Results are in Egypt, Libya, Syria and other old names which are from the Bible suddenly came to the front news. In the autumn last year we had taken a decision with the mission to print 200,000 copies of the easy to read Arabic NT for Arab people. And we couldn't be more on time when we see the present news evolving in front of our eyes.
What the Arabs need is freedom, but the freedom from the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The truth is, we are getting several reports from the Arab world. Arabs are seeking God, Allah, and see Jesus. And they see and experience freedom. I was so fortunate to meet a former moslem here in Sri Lanka last month who had seen this great light and met the Lord Jesus.
They see, and receive HIM.
So with this in mind its was with a huge joy in our hearts when we could send these NTs on its way.
If its true that for each Bible and NT that is sent to the Arab world 2 or 3 are getting saved, well then we are responsible for 150-200,000 souls being saved. Praise the Lord!
With such encouraging news, it gives us a new energy to go on and print more.
To print the good news, that set men free, restores the relationship between man and God. The cross, the which is our bridge, bridging us from death to life.

Now very early in July we ordered 1 container of paper for the Arabic NT. Just a 2 weeks later we got more donations so we right away had to order another big container of paper for the Arabic NT. So now we are waiting for 2 containers loaded with paper.
So pray we get more to this project.

We got a few pictures from the Arabia and we will publish them and stories in a short while.

As you see on the pictures, Daniel had brought his 2 small kids for this occasion.
(Photo belongs to Daniel Kort, obtain rights to use it from him)

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