Thursday, 31 July 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Fw: dagens
I waited patiently for the Lord;
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry.
2 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.
psalm 40 v1-2
Monday, 28 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
FW: Day 149 of your Bible Plan, Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Day 149 of 365 | |
The Key to Possessing Your Promised Land God wants to lead you into your promised land...after all, you have been recreated in Christ, born anew, that you might live the good life that God prearranged for you. But to follow God into that life, He will have to prepare you first, and that means some things will need to change. Now, don't be afraid of the word change; it just means that you stop doing some things you've been doing and start doing some things you haven't been doing. For example, stop thinking negative thoughts and start thinking positively, stop settling in your comfort zone and step out of the boat, stop procrastinating and start taking the opportunities that arise. It's not enough to just read about and talk about the Promised Land. Decide that you are going to possess your promised land. God is good; He will lead you there. Just be willing to follow and accept the positive changes that God wants to bring to your life as He prepares you to be a blessing to others. Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, show me the changes I need to make in order to possess my promised land. Thank You for preparing me to be a blessing to others and fulfill the destiny You have for me. Ephesians 2:10 |
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. |
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Monday, 21 July 2014
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Sunday, 20 July 2014
Bing Activated Account For Sale At CHOICEDELHI.IN
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Bing Voucher of 380$ & 500$ Available
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Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Fw: Last Sunday - sist søndag
søndag for en uke sidne var vi å besøkte Roshini sin familie i Moratuwa.
Det var veldig koselig. At en har skole om morgenen i Colombo, før en setter seg i bilen, kjører ned sør for Colombo før en setter seg i bilen litt senere for å gå i kjerka tar på.
Det sagt fikk vi max ut av den søndagen med skole, famuilie og kirkebesøk.
Alle var velsignet den dagen.
Lille Elizabeth fikk også sitte på motorsykkel og det syns hun var skøy.
Last Sunday, a week ago we went to Moratuwa to visit Roshini family.
I must say that was very nice, that we could combine school for me in Colombo, while Roshini is having her back pain treatment, then family visit and finally church back home is very good.
With this new highway we could combine a lot of things and still make it without being late.
For little Elizabeth it was extra fun since she got to sit on her uncles motorbic, not riding it just pretending.
Fw: Last Saturday - sist lørdag
Forige lørdag var det poya, dvs buddhistisk høytidsdag.
Og det som var litt spesielt var at en kunne se så mange grønnsakshapper i Negombo var stengt. Negombo er tradisjonelt katolsk så var litt rart.
Selv om mange av små forhandelree var stengt fikk Roshini og jeg kjøpt inn de grønnsakene vi trengte.
Saturday was poya, buddhist holidY.
nNormally the marked is crowded in Negombo but on last Saturday it was virtually empty.
Just a few shops were open and very few people around.
Still we got our vegetables and could go home knowing we had food for Sunday.
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, 12 July 2014
a small bible verse for today
Psalms 85:7-8 NKJV
"Show us Your mercy, LORD, And grant us Your salvation. I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly."
Listen, yes listen t what God says. For HE will grant you it if you listen to what HE will give. @ Packers and Movers Kerala
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Stand! - 05 July 2014
Sent: Saturday, July 5, 2014 10:33 AM
To: Svend
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Bibel til en liten folkegruppe i Mikronesia
Det er ikke mer enn noen tusen mennesker derfor under 2000 eksemplar, og det antallet gjør meg veldig gira.
Guds Ord til de små folkegruppene på noen små øyer i stillehavet.
Iår har det blitt mye snakk om millioner av Markus og Kinesisk og Arabiske bibler. Oppe i alt dette får vi ta del i et viktig prosjekt
med å trykke Ordet til en liten gruppe mennesker. Det er spennendes.
a small People Group Gets Gods Word
Only 1000 people and this is really exciting to talk about. Gods Word to the small people groups on small Isles in the pacific.
This year we have been talking millions of Gospel Of Mark and many hundred thousands of Arabic and Chinese Bibles.
In middle of all we can print in small qty for this people group here at New Life. This is very exciting.
Fortsett å be
1. Fortsett å be for visumet til Hellas for familien vår. Det ser ut til å gå fremover men vi ber det helt igjennom2
2. Vi vil takke idag for at Gud har gitt en hel dag uten smerte for Roshini sin rygg. Dette er første dagen på lenge for
henne uten at hun har hatt smerter. Vi takker Jesus Vår frelser, be dette vedvarer.
prayer of today
1. continue to pray for our greece visa
2. We want to thank God that He has given 1 day for Roshini without back pain.
Thank you all for praying, and we give a special thank to Our Lord Jesus.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
bønn for oss i Sri Lanka
1.Fortsett å be for Roshini
2. Vi takker for passet og visumet til Elizabeth
3. Hellas turen for familien vår, be for
4. Norgesturen, mange av datoene er nå booket.
1.Just continue to pray for Roshini and her back pain. It has improved but we trust God can restore her.
2. Elizabeth finally got her new Norwegian passport and we thank God the visa got transferred to the new passport today so now she can stay for many more years in Sri Lanka-
3. Greece and family trip, pray for us in this matter
4. My Upcoming Norway trip - most dates seems to be filled up but a few days are still open so get i touch with Bjørn Olsen if you want me to visit you.
Svend T. Svendsen