Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Shipping Chinese and starting Arabic NT , with pictures

Praise be to the Lord!
Today we started to print the Arabic NT
We finally got the files a few days ago and within hours work had started and printing almost next day for us.

Kumar the Solna operator showed me proudly the first signature of the Arabic NT and the perinting machine was spitting out the pages in a fast speed.

The machine was running and so was I since we all have a lots of work. Never a boring day at New Life Literature in Sri Lanka. We wil run over 30,000 copies on press.

On boat to China

In the other end of the factory we did something very important.
As the Arabic NT was cranking up on Solna the Chinese Bibles, Red letter edition, first time at New Life and on Goss was packed and was loaded into the 40 ciontainer.
Our great commission is getting closer and closer to an end. And when we saw these skids were loaded I got filled with such a joy.
We all from the office section came down to see it get loaded. To see our workers in action and highly in joyful doing their work.
So soon these Bibles will be on the hands of our Chinese brothers and sisters.
Multiply and be fruitful!
Next run starts within weeks if not days.

So if you want to join in to Arabic NT or Chinese Bibles get in touch with:
Arnfinn Holten
NEW LIFE LITTERATURMISJONEN - Postboks 3050, 3501 Honefoss, Norway or email:
In USA – be specific and say Chinese Bibles – from New Life Literature Sri Lanka or Arabic NT
New Life Advance Int'l
P.O. Box 35857
Houston, Texas 77235
ACCI (Adventive Cross Cultural Initiatives) - 89 Auriga Dr.,
Napean, ON K2E 7Z2, Canada or
Remember to write for Chinese Bibles or Arabic NT – from New Life Literature Sri Lanka or Arabic NT