Sunday, 23 May 2010

17.May in Sri Lanka / 17.Mai i Sri Lanka

Here you can see our 17th may celebration this year in Colombo. It took place on the 16th. And as we sign in Norwegian: Hipp HURRA FOR NORGE!

17.Mai feiringen ble iår feiret i år som ifjor i Colombo hos ambassadørens bolig. Men iår falt feiringen på 16.Mai siden 17.Mai var en Mandag iår.
Kjekt å kunne feire våre idealer og vår grunnlov.

God Pinse

Kjære venn!
Roshini og jeg vil ønske dere alle en god pinse.
Denne dagen kom Den Hellige Ånd og menighetens fødsel på en måte.
God pinser alle sammen

Monday, 3 May 2010

pray for church members i Negombo

Dear reader!
Last Friday a tragic accidents occured and killed 2 dear churcvh members of our church here in Negombo. 1 of them was a young girl who just got married last year. Behind sits a very sad husbond. Please pray for him. That the Lord will give him strenght.
The other one was a older member. Behind sits a wife and 4 sons. Pray for his family as well.
For us in the church this has touched us in a very deep way and we grieve with the families. But we lift them up before the Lord.