Sunday, 7 March 2010

Trykke messe - Printing exhibition

In February Tim, Sharon, jen and I went to the printing exhibition in Colombo. And there we got to see new technology in the printing area. It was very interesting to see what is happening. Meeting old suppliers and more.
New and old machines, Heidelberg, Komori and other famous printing brands showed their equipment. Even nice bindery machines. But 2 thing caught my attention, and that was this old machine you see here.

I Februar dro Tim, Sharon, Jen og jeg til trykke messa i Colombo. Dette er året begivenhet for trykkere i Sri Lanka. Da deles ut også priser osv. Og her fikk vi se ny teknologi som er på markedet. Spennendes å se hva som skjer av utvikling. Vi så gamle og nye mskinerr, alt fra Heidelberg, Komori og andre Muller Martini. Men en maskin måtte jeg bare ta bilde av og du ser den her.

Wild thing - wild jucntion

When you go to Colombo you have to be prepared for everything. And I never get stopped to be surprised and look at this photo. No, the buses are not standing still. They are moving toward each other and the other vehicles too. Did they crash? NO! '
Incredible? YES! I love the Sri Lankan traffic.

Night Photo

Here are some photos from morning hours and when darkness comes in the evening hours.
I love this time of the evening when the collors are changing.

Sinhala NTs

En liten oppdatering.
Vi jobber med som dere vet de Sinhala Ny Testament for Sri Lanka.
Det har kommet så langt at vi har fått unna nesten 10,000 Sinhala ny testament som skal til Sri Lanka. Vi har en del pocket versjoner igjen som skal bindes isammen men vi har fått unna delmålet vårt.
Her kan du se vi pakker ned så fort som de kan klare det.
Hver gang jeg kommer for å ta bilde av gutta ler dem. Bedre det enn sure fjes.

A small update:
As I have told in last in janaury we got a huge job printing Sinhala New Testaments. This job is now progressing well. We have delivered twice and pray these will come into good hands. Part goals are reaching but some way to go. So here you can see we are packing and every time I come down to the boys the keep laughing. Better that than not happy.

New corner rounding machine

New machines in the house. An improvement and now we have a rounding corner machine so we can round the corner of the covers. Its rather cool and it makes the covers round and nice.
Yepp a own machine for just rounding the corners.
Tim got it for a very good price from the good old US of A. God bless USA.