Friday, 29 January 2010

President Mahinda Rajapaksha WON - Presidenten VANT

Kloken.4 på ettermiddagen utrorpte valg kommisæren Presidenten til vinner av valget.
Han vant med 58% over mot kandidaten General Sarath Fonseka som fikk rundt 40%.
Around 4 P.M on the 27th Jan.2010 the election Commisoner, announced that President Mahinda Rajapaksha had won the election with 58% margin. The oponent got a 40%. He will now get a second term in office.
Yesterday, 28th the President announced Parliament election is expected to be held soon.
Congratulation Mr.President.
Final count:
According to the all-island final result posted on the website of the island-nation's Department of Elections:
Mr. Rajapaksa 6,015,934 votes (57.88 per cent).
Sarath Fonseka, secured 4,173,185 votes (40.15 per cent)

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Resultatet er ikke helt klart enda men så og si alt er telt opp og sittende President Mahinda fikk fornyet tillit av folket.
Han får dermed 6 nye år som President.
The Final result is not clear yet, but more or less all the votes are now counted and incubent President Mahinda Rajapaksha was re-ellected for another 6 years.
Congratulation Mr.President!

Mahinda vinner nok - Mahinda will win

Flere resultat tikker inn og det viser at sittendes president kommer til å vinne. Den Indiske valg målingen viste at Presidenten ville få 58-60%. Valget og resultatene sier nesten det samme. Distrikt etter distrikt har han vunnet med 60-67%.
Men i Negombo som normalt sett er rød/blått og Mahinde sitt parti gikk det annerledes.

Sarath Fonseka 36,669 52.59%

Mahinda Rajapaksha 32,125 46.06%

Dette var ikke forventet.

Many results from the districts are now coming. It shows that the Prsident will win with a good margin. An Indian news paper polled 58-60%. Several districts shows 60-67%. But here in Negombo which is a Mahinda town it went another way.


Morning Update/Morgon oppdatering 7.20 A.M
Her er siste oppdatering.
Så lang når alle post stemmene og fleire område begynne å komme vise fortsatt følgande totale resultat:
This is the result so far with most of the postal votes counted and some of the district votes coming in. This is not final result.
Mahinda: 59.73 percent
Fonseka:  38.71 percent
Balg oppdatering
Election update;

Postal Votes - Puttalam District
27/01/2010 00:30:59

UPFA 4,988 66.70% votes/stemmer total 23317
NDF 2,464 32.95% votes/stemmer total 10402

3 of 22 districts counted, post votes.

Time for bed.

Good night

Updates on election, oppdatering på valget

Da kommer neste oppdatering
Here is the next update
Postal Votes - Moneragala District
27/01/2010 00:09:53

UPFA         8,871  69.76% Mahinda
NDF           3,795  29.84% Fonseka

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Første resultatet - First result

Her er det første resultatet som er forhånds stemmene: UPFA er Mahinda og NDF Fonseka
Here are the first post votes to the president election. Its from Ratnapura. UPFA is Mahinda and NDF Fonseka
Ratnapura Postal Votes
26/01/2010 22:38:16

UPFA           9,458  69.33% 
NDF             4,143  30.37%  

Election 2010
In just one hour ago all the election local closed 4 p.m Sri Lankan time.
Now the waiting game starts.
News tells us by night we will now the postal votes and by tomorrow we now who the winner is.
This is exciting!

Election day

Today is President election and people are running to the poll station all over our Island today.
Its a showdown between President Mahinda Rajapaksha and General Sarath Fonseka.
People are excited about going to polls and so should they be.
This morning when we were driving to New Life the roads were quiet and not many vehicles.
So soon we will know who will be our president.
Keep praying for Sri Lanka

Thursday, 21 January 2010

President valget 2010

Kjære leser!

Det er idag 21.Janaur og det er 5 dager til valget I Sri Lanka den 26Januar. Folket I landet vårt skal bestemme hvem som skal få lede landet videre.

Følgende hoved kandidatene er:

1. President Mahinda Rajapaksha fra UPFA (blad symbl

2. General Sarath Fonseka - opposisjons kandidaten (et hav av parti - svane symbolet)

Hvem vinner? Et godt spørsmål. Valgdags målingene viser mye men Presidenten vår har mange plasser en knapp ledelse eller et stor ledelse. Der er også undersøkelsesr som viser at generalen vil vinne også.

Likevel, hver med å be for at Sri Lanka får et fredfylt valg. Det har vert uroligheter, men la oss be at det roer seg ned. At Gud gir landet en god mann videre. Vi trenger ro fremover. Utvikling og fremgang. Folket har lidd I 30 år under borgerkrigen.

At krigen endelig ble over ifjor I mai var godt. Mange mennesker hadde det ondt, men det går fremover. Midt oppe I alt dette har vi fått være med å være til en velsignelse for landet. Og det skal vi fortsette med å være.  Så be for Sri Lanka I disse tider.

Så får vi se da den 27.Januar hvem som vant valget.

Takk for at du ber for Sri Lanka.

Election time

In 6 days we have the big showdown in Sri Lanka, on the 26th January. The people of Sri Lanka will go to their respective hometowns and vote. The decision is: Who should be the next president of this Island.
The contenders are:
1. President Mahinda Rajapaksha
2. Former General Sarath Fonseka
and 20 other candidates.
The election is between those 2 who think they should have the credit for ending the 30 year long civil war in Sri Lanka. On the government side we have the President and the oposition candidate you have Sarath Fonseka.
Recent polls shows many things. 1 showed the President ahead with 10-12%.
Another showed the General ahead with 1-2 % and another showed these 2 were even.
Which poll to believe?
1 year ago when the war was over everybody thought the President would call the election right away and win easy. Now people think it will be a neck-on-neck and close race to the door.
I am not so sure. I think the good old President will win simply because he is the president and he took the political decision to go ahead with the war.
On the other side many people like change but will the General manage to gather enough votes? Or will Uncle Mahinda get renew mandat for another 6 years?
Since I am traveling all over Colombo and lately down south were the President comes from you see posters of both candidates.
Election in Sri Lanka is different from other countries. People are very enthusiastic and it is interesting to look.
But in all of this, we should pray. Pray for Sri Lanka that we get a peaceful election and that God will grant us a good election. So continue to pray for Sri Lanka.
God bless you

Saturday, 16 January 2010

In Loving Memory of dear Uncle E.J

This is the obituary of Evart. You can read it and pass it on.
For all of us who knew him and served with him we are garteful. We know one day we shall meet again.

Evart James Brewer, son of Cyril and Anna Brewer spent his childhood years in central Alberta before the family moved to Oregon where Evart attended high school. He participated in many sports and before returning to Canada he was offered a sports scholarship. Upon returning to Alberta he became the first apprentice mechanic for Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company of Canada.Evart and Doreen were married in 1958. Evart worked 20 years for Halliburton where he enjoyed the opportunity to travel to the Arctic, Singapore as well as many places in Canada and the United States. He then spent 1 year with Federal Offshore in Nova Scotia which proved to be a wonderful adventure for his whole family. Upon returning to Alberta Evart taught heavy duty mechanics for3 years at NAIT then worked for Radium Well Servicing until taking his final full-time position with CN. Following his retirement he enjoyed working part-time for his nephew Doug Hilsabeck at Renn Mill. As a man who loved God, Evart was dedicated to serving his Lord in many aspects within the churches he attended. One of his special interests was mission work. He had the opportunity to be part of a short-term missions project to Guinea, Africa. Then most recently, Evart and Doreen fulfilled a dream they shared of ministering together in missions when they spent 3 years working in Sri Lanka for New Life Literature printing Bibles and Christian literature. Evart was a faithful and loving husband to Doreen. He loved, supported and encouraged his children in all their endeavors. His deepest desire for his family was to see them follow Christ and serve Him faithfully. Evart is predeceased by his parents Cyril and Anna Brewer. Left to cherish his memory and celebrate his life are his wife of 51 years, Doreen (Hilsabeck) and their children Greg (Janice) Brewer, Brian (Shannon) Brewer, Linda Brewer, Elaine Brewer, Tim Brewer, Kerry Brewer and 9 grandchildren, Michael, Courtney, Benjamin, Andrew, Kristen, Larry, Isaiah, Keiran, Kaice. Also, his brother Arnold Brewer and his sister Regine Smith as well as numerous nephews and nieces.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Day 3 on our trip down south - Sunday 3.Jan-2010

What a nice view we woke up today too. Synay morning and a beautiful beach.
The Lord had blessed us with a second good view, food not so good but I don't care.
So here we were, ready for a quick bath, so breakfast and then on to Galle. Today we had a lot of land to cover.
First stop for today was Martin Wickremansinghes museum. He was author and is probably the most famous Sri Lankan author. He wrote many stories and also geology interested him as well. We stopped there and looked at his ancestral home which also serves as museum of his work and also history of Sri Lanka. You can see many old artifacts. So if you are interested in history I can recommend this. You will learn a lot.
Next stop was Galle fortress and I have been there twice before but that is 4-5 years ago now. When we came here it was 12 noon and hot. But we had 2-3 things we really wanted to see. 1 was the old Dutch Reform Church. Very beautiful this church and I can recommend to go there.
Just before the church you can see a old hotel which they say is old and nice. Its ok!
But if you want to see a nice church you should go 200 meters further down the street and have a look at the Anglican Church. This church is alive and interesting. It may not have the same space as the Dutch church but it is nice. Roshini and I went in and had a nice look. I am glad we did because this was a church I like a lot.
It reminds me about some of the other churches the Englishmen built here in that time Ceylon.
After Roshini and I had stopped for that we all 8 went down to the view point. Saw the ocean and the famous tower. It was rather hot and those sellers kept on trying to sell us
table cloths and other stuff.
I think the women finally gave in and bought something. We men just shock our heads and that it.
After that it was time for food so we went on to a small restaurant and had a good food in Hikkaduwa. Good and quick. From Hikkaduwa till Colombo which we covered in a short time we stopped at the famous place were the trains was taken by the Tsunami 26 December 2004. over 1500 people died on that train. Our driver Ranga was also driving in that area when this happened. It’s a miracle he is alive and it was nice to hear from someone who experienced this event. Myself lost friends at this train so it’s a bit emotional but good to see.
Since so many died at this place the people was afraid of being haunted by ghosts so they got build a huge buddha statue with help from Japan. This statue makes them feel much more safe.
They also build a high wall at the sea lane so the road goes behind it so the waves can't flush right in now as it did in December 2004.
After that we drove to Colombo where the women got some shopping time while we men and children went to a coffee shop. A fair deal.
We were home late but it was a good trip after all.
Home sweet home

Pictures here show horse chariots from Mr.Bandaaranaike (former PM of Sri Lanka), the house of the author Mr.Wickremasinghe, Galle Fortress, the dutch church inside and outside in Galle and photo of Kathrine and Elizabeth together

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Day 2 on our trip down south - 2.Jan-2010

Day 2 we woke up early and knew this would be a good day. The sun was shining and we looked out the window at the beaitiful swimming pool and the rice field.

We thought we would go to the Yala safari but when our good guide told us the night before this would take 4 hours plus additional 30 minutes to get there. Well, just forget it.
So we
arranged for a boat trip on the Tisse lake and that was a great success for everybody that was.

The girls had fun and after 1 hour we could depart from Tissemaharama for Galle.
And on thatv round trip we saw a lot of things.
From Tissemaharama to the next hotel it was 5 hours drive. Down at this area you can see a lot of cactuses and they are very tall.

We saw the famous salt factory, well passed by it in Tissemaharama.
Between there and the new destination we should watch a famous Blowhole in Sri Lanka.
We should stop by Matara Fortress right after. We planned to stop and have a look but time run out here.
After Matara came Tangalle, President Mahinda Rajapaksha hometown. And there did we see posters of him and his family all over the town. But we also stopped at the famous Tangalla Beach Hotel. The time has stood still and so has the up keeping of it too unfortunately. But that doesn't mean its nice. Rather picturesque to be honest with the nice beach and cliffs. To see the wild waves breaking and hitting the cliffs there in Tangalle.

After a good lunch we headed on towards the hotel.
But this was a good day, maybe a bit much driving again but not as bad as day 1.
We got to see many interesting things. If you never have been down south I recommend you spend time on each place and rush like we did. Time limits are not good, but take your time here-.

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Saturday, 9 January 2010

Evart passed away

Our good friend and co-worker Evart Brewer passed away last Saturday.
For all of us here at New Life it was a shock when we received the news.
Please pray for Doreen his wife and their family.
Evart was a gentleman who served the Lord almost up the very end before he went hoem to the Lord. Just mid-October last year (2009) they (Evart&Dorren) stayed in Sri Lanka. They left home to Canada.
Evart and Doreen served at New Life in 2 periods.
First time 1.5 year between 2004 and 2006 and second time from 2007 February to mid-October 2009, just with a short stay in Canada in June-July last year.
EJ incredible hands had a touch on every machine at New Life.
During the last SIM order the credit goes to EJ that we managed to finish up because the EJ kept many of the machines running when they broke down.
To make it all more impressive, before EJ came to Sri Lanka he had never worked on printing equipment in his entire life.
God helped and we praise God for us having the privilige to getting to know EJ.
God bless and it is good he is now home with The Lord is so joyfully served.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

3 day trips to south - Day 1

Day 1 of our trip went like this: should go from Negombo to Tissemaharama. That long name is down south by Yala National park.
1st of January means also to start up Roshini factory with prayers and traditional cakes, kiri bath and other Sri Lankan cousins. Kiri bath is milkrice and very tasty. So Roshini prayed in Sinhalese, my father Tore in English and on it went.
By 1030 we were on our way to South. and what an experience. One road was closed so we had to take a different village drive and that was fun. Up and down, bumpy and sideways we went.
But after 1.5 hour it was over and we got good road. From there to the lunch it went pretty straight forward. We saw a lot of beautiful nature. When we came to south of Sri Lanka we saw by the road side women selling pillows. I sensed the women needed a stop and look at something they like so we stopped immediately. So there we got some very good cushions and on we went. And now we drove all the way to the hotel. This part of the south Hambentota has changed a lot since 2004 when I came last time. Roads are better and now the new Harbour installation they are working on is coming up as well.
The nature is different so we had a lot of nice things to look at while we were driving.
Finally we xame to the hotel and its location is close by a lake and it is very beautiful.
The sun set here was beautiful so you can see the beautiful sunset here.
And so the day 1 of the trip was over, after a delicious meal at the hotel.
 Here you can see pictues from day 1.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010 From Sri Lanka

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Happy New Year from us in Sri Lanka.
Love from
Svend, Roshini, Nethmi , Sithma and Elizabeth