Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Tamil new testaments - Tamilske Ny Testament
Its with great joy we just shipped out 8,000 Tamil New Testaments to Sri Lanka.
Not every day we can do that its we great joy we did that.
We sent 2000 copies earlier this year and now we sent the last part for now.
We did 40,000 copies of the gospels and N.T in Tamil last year for India.
Pray that these N.Ts will come into the right hands. His word never returns empty handed.
Nå tidleig i Juni fikk vi sent siste rest av en ordre på 10,000 tamilske ny testament inn i Sri Lanka. Det var med stor glede at vi fikk sent dem.
17.may-09 The Constiton day - Grunnlovsdagen
Every Year Norway celebrate its own constitution. So did our family as well here in Sri Lanka. Norway got the const, yes on the 17th May 1814. When over 112 Norwegian gather at Eidvoll and wrote the constitution of Norway, after Denmark had lost the Napoelon wars and Norway was handed over as a gift to Sweden. That we Norwegian didn't like, but enough history.(If you are a history buff like me, read link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Norway)
On this day oru family went to Colombo and celebrated it with other Norwegians at the residence of the Norwegian Ambassador.
There we had cakes, hot dog, ice-cream and, cakes and more good food. Plus laughter and joy.
My 3 girls, specially Sithma and Nethmi enjoyed it immensily since they got to eat plenty of Norwegian food.
For Roshini, my wife and Elizabeth (born last September) it was the first time and both of them enjoyed it a lot.
After a good celebratioon we went shopping for cloths and ended up in the swimming pool in Negombo, all of us.
17.Mai er dagen da vi nordmenn feirer grunnloven vår. I Sri Lanka ble dette feiret som alle andre år. Iår var feiringen den beste noen sinne for min del. Hele familien var med iår og vi feiret den sammen med andre nordmenn
Dette var dagen da krigen ogs gikk mot slutten i Sri Lanka og det ble merket med glede.
Vi koste oss hele familien og hadde det fint der. My god mat samt at jentene fikk også spist pølse med brød, lompe, kronkaker, bløtekake, is, brus og koltbor plus mer mat. Vi rullet ut døra, og som dere kan se. Vi var runde ette festen, men glade.
Dette er den beste 17.mai feiringen jeg noen sinne har hatt i Sri Lanka.
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